3 Crucial Lessons I learned In Goal Planning for 2016.
It’s a new year! The success and failures of 2015 are over and it’s time to focus on 2016. My wife and I rented a room and spent a night planning our top 10 goals for 2016.
Here’s 3 crucial things I learned:
1. Don’t Chase Empty, Vain Goals.
“In the house of the righteous there is much treasure…” Proverbs 15:6
Here’s the truth: I focus more on accomplishing goals that are centered around my career and family than improving my spiritual life. I want to see my career go to another level. I want Macy and I to achieve a new depth in our relationship. Ok fine… I want to go vegan! These are not bad goals, but how often am I asking this question, “how can my family honor God more this year?”
Why does this matter?
God Brings Ultimate Satisfaction.
I’ve never believed this more until recently. The past few months was more prosperous than most for Macy and I. I got my health back, had a very comfortable Christmas, and had the opportunity to buy a few toys! ; ) Despite these apparent wins, I was still feeling down.
Because I wasn’t spending any time connecting with God.
“There is much treasure in the arms of the Lord.”
So this year I’ve committed to reading the Bible in a year, work on a Systematic Theology Bible study for our Church, and set aside time every day for intentional prayer and worship.
2. Focus on Learning.
“Perceptive words spread knowledge;” proverbs 15:7
Our mind is the most powerful thing God has given us. Our minds are either our greatest enemy or our biggest asset.
Being someone who is known for speaking perceptive words will only grow your influence with others, and grow you personally.
So how do you become more perceptive?
Read God’s Word. Let God’s words saturate your heart. I also recommend reading other classic works from C.S Lewis, A.W Tozer, or Jonathan Edwards. I promise, read a book from these guys and you’ll be one step closer to being a person that is known for speaking wise words.
3. Prioritize Who You Allow In Your Life.
“fools are hollow—there’s nothing to them…” proverbs 15:7
Nobody likes to do this, but let’s be honest, you have to protect your time. More importantly, you have to guard who you allow in. I’m not talking about excluding everyone, but rather choosing who you are going to invest in and allow invest into you.
We can’t invest in everyone, and we can’t allow everyone to invest in us.
Jesus did this with the twelve and further with His inner 3. So if Jesus did this, then I’m ok practicing this too! : )
Really, the principle is about maximizing your time.
Action steps:
- Write 1 spiritual goal for 2016
- Choose 1 book you’re going to read in 2016
- Make a list of the people you want to invest in and who you want investing into you.
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