Proverbs 14:7-8


Stay away from a fool, for you will not find knowledge on his lips. (7) This isn’t the first time the bible warns us about hanging around the wrong people. Using discernment is key here, you know, first impressions. If they cannot teach you wisdom, and what comes out of their mouth isn’t the same as the truth you know, then you should walk away or consider them an acquaintance. The fool shuts himself out from even having the capacity to understand truth.

The wisdom of the prudent is to give thought to their ways, but the folly of fools is deception (8). Having wisdom is important, we are to pray for it (Jas 5) a prudent person gives thoughts to his steps. The Old Testament reminds us of a few women who overcame some challenges that they were presented with, and they did so because they were smart. The lives of Naomi and Esther, played vital roles in God’s history of salvation, they lived their lives with a responsible attitude of faith. Being clever just so that you can look better and achieve your own goal is not ok. But using it responsibly and in total dependence to God, brings blessings. A fool only deceives himself, they believe their own propaganda. We are supposed to encourage each other daily and build each other up so that we don’t get caught in “almost-not-truths.” It’s easy to do, I’m just as guilty of being deceived, that’s even more reason to be continually seeking knowledge and understanding, so that the times we aren’t certain, we know where to run. Straight to God!