Freely Give

Proverbs 11: 24-25

24 Give freely and become more wealthy; be stingy and lose everything.

There is a saying I love. It goes like this, “You cannot out-give God!”  I’ve always considered what He did for me and how freely He did it. Not just with His life, but with His words, love, and an uncanny amount of grace.  There is no way I can out-give Him. None.

But no one told me I couldn’t try.

Maybe the writer of Proverbs, was merely talking about money. I sometimes think money is the easiest thing to give. No strings attached and certainly no responsibility tied to me.

The things I find the hardest to give freely are grace filled words, love without condition, and crucial conversations with those I love.

I have come to understand, that the more mature I become, the more of myself and my words must be given away without hesitation. This is how you become wealthy. Giving grace filled words, to encourage someone else, my wealth grows. Loving beyond my capability creates an opportunity for relationship and growth. Crucial conversations are difficult! Jesus, never backed away from one of these. EVER.  Have one. Stand firm.

Giving these things makes us wealthy.

Withholding them, is purely self focused. This leads to selfishness and it’s “all about me”. Being stingy: we lose everything. The world does not revolve around me or you.

I don’t want to live this way. I want to give it all away….freely. cheerfully, and without hesitation.


25 The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.

I love this verse! The generous will prosper. Be generous with your words, grace, and mercy refreshes others. Think about it, when was the last time your gave encouragement to someone else and realized you were refreshed?

Simply breathing kind words of refreshment to someone else. Someone who’s heart was broken. Someone who was struggling with that sin.

Next time someone needs money, give it generously. Then have a crucial conversation with them that will leave them refreshed because of the words spoken, the love given, and the grace poured out in their life.

Then see, if you are not more prosperous. I guarantee it won’t look like what you expected.

It will be better than you imagined.


Photography: @mattglenn

No Sorrow in God’s Blessings

Proverbs 10: 22-23

In Matthew 6.21, Jesus is teaching about money and possessions. He states, “Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.”

If the priority of wealth overrides the premise of doing the next right thing, sorrow is there kicking down the back door.

Proverbs 10.22

The blessing of the Lord makes a person rich, and he adds no sorrow with it.


As we learn to do the next right thing and walk in obedience, God blesses us. It is directly tied together. His blessing, has no sorrow attached to it. There are no strings attached. No hidden agenda.

With all the sorrow in the world, it’s refreshing to know His blessings are free from this.


Proverbs 10.23

Doing wrong is fun for a fool, but living wisely brings pleasure to the sensible.


Sin is natural. A fool makes a laughing matter of sin. He is nonchalant and jokes about it. He takes everything wisdom says and laughs at correction.

I’ve done both. Lived like a fool. Now, trying to live sensibly, using the wisdom I’ve gleaned from time. Life is more steady now.

Wisdom is seen. Heard. Lived out. It adds joy and pleasure. The consequences are more tasteful living in wisdom, than those faced in the land of fools.

In the book of James, he gives us permission to ask for wisdom. It is the one thing God will give it generously without finding fault.

Let’s get out of the land of fools and ask for wisdom.



The Invitation from Wisdom


Proverbs 9.1-6

Wisdom has no boundaries. It is not picky who it chooses. Not everyone chooses it first. It knows what it feels like to be chosen last by some. It does not have any prerequisites. It can’t choose you. It waits to be chosen.


1 Wisdom has built her house: she has carved its seven columns. 2 She has prepared a great banquet, mixed the wines, and set the table.


When wisdom is the foundation, the house built will stand. The banquet prepared is for those who need wisdom. The table is set and waiting on the guests to arrive.


3 She has sent her servants to invite everyone to come. She calls from the heights of the city. 4 “Come in with me,” she urges the simple. To those who lack good judgement, she says.


The guest are the simple, those who lack good judgement. This is the way of wisdom, always urging us to the table. Wisdom wants to be learned from and applied. It is always available for us. It invites us in.


5 “Come, eat my food, and drink the wine I have mixed. 6 Leave your simple ways behind, and begin to live: learn to use good judgement.”


Here is something I have learned: Wisdom is needed at every stage in life. Simply, because it is a new season: one you have not walked before. I’ve yet to learn it all, however, I want and yearn to sit at the table to hear and understand what wisdom is telling me. Truth is imperative to this acceptance of the invitation to sit and learn. I no longer want or desire to stay where I am. There is always an area of life that needs to be changed by wisdom. Never take it lightly when wisdom is dropped in your life. The call is there. Listen. Be obedient.

Watch and see what will happen when you walk in wisdom. The call is high and requires a response.


Come quickly and sit. There is much to learn.

Photography: @hannah.aspen

Discipline: The Separation Tactic


Proverbs 3.11-12

 My child, don’t reject the LORD’S discipline, and don’t be upset when He corrects you. (3.11)

In this day and age, discipline is not a popular topic. But it is a tool God uses to mature us to godly character. This verse is telling us to not turn our back on the very thing we need to grow. Our own rebellion and need for repentance is one reason we need discipline. Discipline helps us see ahead to make a stand before we need to make the choice in front of us.


 For the LORD corrects those he loves, just as a father corrects a child in whom he delights  (3.12)

Hopefully, we catch the fact that He loves us and finds delight in us. When this is evident in a relationship, the discipline is easier to take. In 1 Corinthians 11.32 it says, ”...we are being disciplined so that we will not be condemned along with the world.”This is the separation tactic. He loves us, then He disciplines us to keep us from being condemned along with the world. Take it as a sign of how much He cares for you.

This is an act of love! He doesn’t do it to punish us but to spur us on to holiness. Discipline hurts, but in the long run, it doesn’t harm us or destroy us. So when discipline comes and oh, it will, find joy in the fact that you are His and this love is so great, He chooses to separate you from the grip of the world. God uses those assigned to us, such as a parent, to hand out discipline, to bring our lives into holiness and into His ideal plan for us.


Photography: @titus_anthony

Patience from Suffering

James 5.9-12


In this last chapter of James, he’s giving us the opportunity to practice the patience he was discussing in the previous 2 verses.

As humans, we tend to grumble or moan about others moment by moment. We don’t enjoy being the one mumbled about. Yet, we do not hesitate to grumble about others.

This is the practical application. Stop blaming each other. This feat requires patience. We will be judged one day by what we say and it’s closer than you know.  This is the point Jesus was making in Matthew 7.1.

James then summarizes that our patience is learned from suffering.

I am simply in awe that great honor is given to those who endure suffering. (v.11) Dare we say suffering by trials is a gift?

He gives us Job, a man of great endurance as an example. We see suffering, endurance and blessing in Job’s life. This ties back in to the first chapter of James 1.2-4. We learn that suffering comes, we endure, and blessing comes. This builds our character as only the Lord can build.

James needs us to see that The Lord is full of tenderness and mercy. This is grace and love tied together. In the midst of trials, our patience in God to develop our character will bring us grace. This we will have confidence in.

In verse 12, James says “Above all”, do not take an oath by heaven or earth or anything. A simple yes or no is sufficient. If you trust in God’s grace, you have no need to impress God or people, and you can be at peace with saying honest words.



Photography: @fordyates