Proverbs 11: 24-25

24 Give freely and become more wealthy; be stingy and lose everything.

There is a saying I love. It goes like this, “You cannot out-give God!”  I’ve always considered what He did for me and how freely He did it. Not just with His life, but with His words, love, and an uncanny amount of grace.  There is no way I can out-give Him. None.

But no one told me I couldn’t try.

Maybe the writer of Proverbs, was merely talking about money. I sometimes think money is the easiest thing to give. No strings attached and certainly no responsibility tied to me.

The things I find the hardest to give freely are grace filled words, love without condition, and crucial conversations with those I love.

I have come to understand, that the more mature I become, the more of myself and my words must be given away without hesitation. This is how you become wealthy. Giving grace filled words, to encourage someone else, my wealth grows. Loving beyond my capability creates an opportunity for relationship and growth. Crucial conversations are difficult! Jesus, never backed away from one of these. EVER.  Have one. Stand firm.

Giving these things makes us wealthy.

Withholding them, is purely self focused. This leads to selfishness and it’s “all about me”. Being stingy: we lose everything. The world does not revolve around me or you.

I don’t want to live this way. I want to give it all away….freely. cheerfully, and without hesitation.


25 The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.

I love this verse! The generous will prosper. Be generous with your words, grace, and mercy refreshes others. Think about it, when was the last time your gave encouragement to someone else and realized you were refreshed?

Simply breathing kind words of refreshment to someone else. Someone who’s heart was broken. Someone who was struggling with that sin.

Next time someone needs money, give it generously. Then have a crucial conversation with them that will leave them refreshed because of the words spoken, the love given, and the grace poured out in their life.

Then see, if you are not more prosperous. I guarantee it won’t look like what you expected.

It will be better than you imagined.


Photography: @mattglenn