He hasn’t Left You

Proverbs 15:1-3


A gentle answer deflects wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger (1)

Have you ever found yourself in a situation that you actually had to put into practice, patience and self-control, where you were just biting your tongue not to say anything? It can be hard not to say the first things that come into your mind, and be completely “unfiltered”. However this is not what the bible tells us to do, we are to be gentle in our responses, nothing would be worse than to give an unbeliever or someone jaded by the whole church experience, yet another reason to not like us. Don’t let your pride or ambition rule your thought process, using moderation is key. We need to remember that we are set apart, we are supposed to re-act with kindness. This verse says that gentleness in our answers actually deflects wrath. Webster defines deflect as, a cause for someone to deviate from an intended purpose. Your response can actually change a tense situation into one that reflects Christ.


The tongue of the wise makes knowledge appealing, but the mouth of a fool belches out foolishness (2)

I want nothing more than to make my heavenly father look good and to talk about him in a way that makes even the foolish of them listen, and to make it appealing too. But how do we do that? Pray, read your bible, don’t be fooled by the lies and be careful of the advice you receive. Ask that God helps you when you get into situations and that he would ultimately be glorified through it. I recently listened to a conversation that had me dumbfounded. The foolishness that came out of this person was astounding, that I had to resist the urge to make a face. Instead I made myself see them like Jesus sees them, lost and confused, changing my perspective tends to make me more understanding. Hide God’s word in your heart so that it can come out when you need it most.


The Lord is watching everywhere, keeping his eye both on good and the evil. (3)

Thank God he is everywhere! He has gone before us, so he must know. He watches out for his own, and he protects us. He knows the dishonest and he knows the good, Christ will eventually bring all actions under his judgement. So when you are faced with the challenges of life, remember that God is watching, his coming is eminent, he hasn’t left you, and he knows.

Running Straight to God

Proverbs 14:7-8


Stay away from a fool, for you will not find knowledge on his lips. (7) This isn’t the first time the bible warns us about hanging around the wrong people. Using discernment is key here, you know, first impressions. If they cannot teach you wisdom, and what comes out of their mouth isn’t the same as the truth you know, then you should walk away or consider them an acquaintance. The fool shuts himself out from even having the capacity to understand truth.

The wisdom of the prudent is to give thought to their ways, but the folly of fools is deception (8). Having wisdom is important, we are to pray for it (Jas 5) a prudent person gives thoughts to his steps. The Old Testament reminds us of a few women who overcame some challenges that they were presented with, and they did so because they were smart. The lives of Naomi and Esther, played vital roles in God’s history of salvation, they lived their lives with a responsible attitude of faith. Being clever just so that you can look better and achieve your own goal is not ok. But using it responsibly and in total dependence to God, brings blessings. A fool only deceives himself, they believe their own propaganda. We are supposed to encourage each other daily and build each other up so that we don’t get caught in “almost-not-truths.” It’s easy to do, I’m just as guilty of being deceived, that’s even more reason to be continually seeking knowledge and understanding, so that the times we aren’t certain, we know where to run. Straight to God!

Don’t Worry Be Happy

 Proverbs 12: 25-26

How many times have you heard this verse, and how many times have you been a recipient of an encouraging word? There’s nothing like being heavy with worry and discouragement walking through the grocery store when you hear your cell phone chime. You look down to see a text, but not just any text, one that was meant for you at exactly that moment, a word of encouragement!

It’s true what King Solomon says in verse 25 and 26, I mean what a relief, especially when you start sobbing right there in the produce section. Now I’m not saying that this will always be the case, you know, tears strewn over the strawberries. However, the fact is, it was helpful and it came from a friend who loves God, speaks his truth, and gives wise counsel.

So now I encourage you to be a light in a dark world, speaking life and thoughtful things, you don’t know how and when God can use you. Maybe it’s the person you work with or the friend that lives down the street. It’s the little things and the good advice when all seems lost that can cheer someone up. Today pray and ask God how he can use you, and then don’t forget to thank him when he does.

One of These Things Doesn’t Belong Here…

Proverbs 11: 22-23

Have you ever had someone say to you, “I didn’t know you were a Christian?” You’re left thinking to yourself, “hum… Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” I don’t know about you but I start doing a mental checklist of my attitudes, and conversations. I think to myself, “did I say something that may have turned someone off from knowing Christ?” OR “was I so thoughtful and kind that they could see Christ in me?” I’m definitely shooting for the latter part of that.

22 “Like a gold ring in a pig’s snout so is a beautiful woman who shows no discretion.”

I can read this two different ways and both still apply, discretion is the word that sticks out to me the most.  It may as well have been written in bold letters, it’s the meat of this particular scripture. What good is a beautiful person or a Christian that spews offensive things or acts in a way that doesn’t match what we preach? The God that we so passionately want others to know about doesn’t look to appealing when those things happen.

In the Jewish culture it was a common ornament for women to wear nose rings, however they thought of pigs as unclean and filthy, so why put something that was meant for beauty on something filthy. One of these things just doesn’t belong here. Your beauty is wasted without discretion, what happened to our sense of responsibility? Beauty isn’t a bad thing, God created it. Queen Esther is a perfect example of what it means to have beauty and discretion. Because she listened to God, used integrity and made good decisions, God used her to help free her people.

23 “The godly can look forward to a reward, while the wicked can expect only judgement.”

When you desire to live a life of integrity and good decisions God rewards you. However, when you don’t live by what Christ says then it only leads to angry frustration.

It’s not always easy to be a Christ follower, but it is rewarding!



When We Speak

Proverbs 10:19-21

Sin is unavoidable when there is much talk,but whoever seals his lips is wise (19). The tongue of a righteous person is pure silver, the hearts of wicked people are worthless (20)The lips of a righteous person feed many, but stubborn fools die because they have no sense (21).


Solomon spares no feelings here, this is funny to me because we deal with the exact same things in today’s culture. Someone with a guilty conscious can offer up to much information making it very easy to spot liars. Sometimes the best answer or response is to say nothing or say just a little. There isn’t any doubt that you can find out a lot about someone just by listening.

We are told about this all throughout Proverbs and in many other books as well, “Let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger (James 1:19). Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouth, except what is good for building each other up (Ephesians 4:29).” Over and Over again we hear this, I’m pretty sure that if God has put it into writing that many times, he must be pretty serious about it. Or perhaps that is the one thing that is hard to tame and he knew it would be. I am guilty of all of this that I write! It is so easy to talk about someone who has made you mad, or said something stupid and all you want to do is respond, and not in a Christ like way. It is very clear that you will look like the fool, and possibly be perceived as stubborn.

So what happens when the wrong words have leapt from our mouths? We ask God to forgive us and help us to tame our tongues, maybe in addition we apologize to those who we have hurt with our words.

I want God’s words to feed many, and I want to be used as a vessel for them. So when you are slow to respond or slow to anger, it doesn’t mean you are a person that can be walked on, it just means that when you do speak, it’s God through you and in the situation. Let’s apply his words today and pray that people see him in us when we speak.


Photography: @bdebard