Make Time for Him

Make Time for Him

Make Time for Him | One Verse

In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps. Proverbs 16:9 

Bright sticky notes cover our mirrors with never ending to-do lists. Our planners are busting at the seams with appointments, coffee dates, and assignments. Reminders, alarms, and lists are constantly fighting for our attention and drawing our focus farther and farther away from our Father.

“In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps”. Proverbs 16:9

There is nothing wrong with making big plans, with buying plane tickets to see friends and making bold moves to reach out to those you know need it. But destruction and folly lie in desperately planning every waking minute of our days.

A friend once challenged me, “If you leave no time in your day, where will Jesus have time to use you?”

We live in a world that tells us that busy is good. Our society tell us the most impressive answer to “How are you?” is “Man, I am so worn out”. We equate busyness with effectiveness. When our self-worth begins to be found in self-efficacy, anxiety and worry are bred. Our days become about how much we can do and we end up in a nasty cycle of exhaustion headed towards burnout.

Only when we allow God to order our steps, do our steps make their designed impact. When we give God space in our schedules, he can use our time better than we could ever imagine. Through His guidance, our calendar can become less about filling space and more about lasting impact. With Him we can trade stress, anxiety and exhaustion for peace, rest, and assurance in the future.

As you reflect on your time today, consider these questions:

1. Do you find yourself too busy to spend time with Jesus? What in your schedule makes taking this time out of your day hard?

2. Is there something that you have been drawn to lately that you haven’t had time for? How can you make time for that one thing?

3. Is your schedule full of junk? Are you saying yes or no to the right things?

Declutter your schedule, find the freedom to say no, and set boundaries where you won’t over extend. Today leave room for the Creator of the Universe to work in and through you. Find rest in abiding in what He has for you.


Make Time for Him | One Verse

The Message You Bring

The Message You Bring

The Message You Bring | One Verse

The mouth of the righteous is a fountain of life, but the mouth of the wicked conceals violence. Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all offenses. — Proverbs 10:11-12

Words command action, evoke emotion and paint images; but what they paint, evoke is up to the person speaking them. All of our words strung together present a message. What message do your words bring to those who hear them?

Like a fountain quenches thirst, the words of the righteous give life to those who hear. In contrast, Proverbs warns about the destruction of the words of the wicked. Words carry weight. As much as we try to say that words don’t damage us, they stick around longer than we would like to admit.

As Christ followers our words are meant to bring life. But how often, riddled by our own selfish motives, do our we choose destructive words? Caught in the trap of comparison, when is the last time you cut someone down to a friend to make yourself feel better? Fueled by frustration, when is the last time you made a biting comment to a coworker?

Pursuing righteousness is not easy. Upholding a holy lifestyle seems impossible, but we are to strive to be like Jesus in every moment and that means choosing words that bring life. Choosing kindness in times of frustration, humility even if you think you’ve done all the work to deserve the credit, forgiveness when someone hurts you again.

We carry the greatest message of all. We hold the story of the One Who Saves, a story of hope and redemption. Don’t let destructive words darken the light that we, as Christians, are called to bring.

As you reflect on the message in your words consider:

  1. What weight do your words carry? Are they life-giving or destructive?
  2. Who is affected by your words? Is there anyone that you need to apologize to for speaking destructive words towards?
  3. Who is one person that you could share God’s truth with this week?

In a world that slumps with the weight of hate there is hope. God’s love bears the answer that our lost world needs. As you go about your day, may your words bring the joy that is needed to bring our world back to life.



The Table Before Us

The Table Before Us

The Table before us | One Verse

When we envision people with wisdom, typically, we imagine a spiritual leader or mentor that has impacted our life. However, this morning, as you sit and enjoy the morning Jesus made, look at yourself and the wisdom that you hold in your own mind.

11 For through wisdom your days will be many,  and years will be added to your life. 12 If you are wise, your wisdom will reward you; if you are a mocker, you alone will suffer. -Proverbs 9:11-12

It is important to look at the story that is given to us in chapter 9 of the woman preparing the table for her guests. She has prepared the meat and poured the wine. Then, after it is ready to be presented, she calls everyone to the table. Much like this woman, who prepares before she presents herself, we must prepare our own hearts and our own wisdom before we can call out to our brothers and sisters around us.

The challenge today is to become more empathetic of those around us by reading and understanding the culture that they come from. Pick up a book from an author who does not share the same views as you, or read the beautiful stories of Jesus that our Muslim brothers and sisters share in the Quran. Set your own table by understanding where the people we interact with come from, and in turn, build relationships with those who think much different than you. This is building personal wisdom.

As you prepare today, consider these questions:

  1. When you think of wisdom, who do you think of?
  2. How can you strengthen your personal wisdom each day?
  3. What is one thing you can do today to be more empathetic to those around you?

Each of us can benefit from one another’s wisdom. Be wise and know what you bring to the table today. The setting is not complete without you.

The Table Before Us

Waiting at Wisdom’s Door

Waiting at Wisdom’s Door

“Listen to my instruction and be wise;  do not disregard it. 34 Blessed are those who listen to me, watching daily at my doors,  waiting at my doorway. 35 For those who find me find life and receive favor from the Lord.” –Proverbs 8:33-35 

Have you ever prayed really hard for something and felt like you didn’t receive an answer? If you’re like me, you most likely have. Sometimes in our earnest seeking, we forget one big step that comes with prayer … listening.

Prayer is one of the most intimate experiences we can share with God. How privileged are we that we can have a direct conversation with God any time that we want? Prayer is a conversation that isn’t just one sided; we can hear directly from God too!

The hard part is sitting still to listen. We have no problem explaining our problems, asking for change or expressing emotions, but when it comes to being patient and listening for an answer we are restless. Proverbs 8 speaks of “Lady Wisdom”, and although she is not a real lady, wisdom has a real voice. Hearing Wisdom’s voice is a choice we must actively make each day.  

 “I love those who love me and those who seek me find me.” –Proverbs 8:17

In the balancing act of to do lists and the rush of life, it seems impossible to have time to just sit and wait for Wisdom to speak to us. Our consuming schedules and timelines leave us with little time to hear from God and seek the wisdom He wants to provide. With wisdom comes favor and prosperity from the Lord. And it is FREE!

As you choose to listen and wait at Wisdom’s door, consider these questions:

  1. In your life what are some areas you need God’s wisdom in?
  2. How do you determine if your choices are marked by Godly wisdom? Do you have someone that could help you determine which choices are wise?
  3. What are some changes you can make to your busy schedule to add more time for listening to God?

Before the heavens and the earth, there was God’s wisdom. He imparts it to those who follow him and listen. In seeking Him, may you encounter His grace and embrace His wisdom.


Seeing Clearly

Seeing Clearly

“For The Lord sees clearly what a man does, examining every path he takes.” –Proverbs 5:21

With billions of people in the world, it‘s easy to feel unnoticed. Even in such the vast space of creation, The Lord sees us. He watches the paths we take. He knows the state of our hearts.

We may try to mask pieces of our lives from those around us, but The One who has created us sees beyond our disguises. He doesn’t view our lives through rose-colored glasses. He transparently sees all of our mess and He still loves us.

For us as Christ Followers, this is good news. Without His wisdom we struggle to find the correct path. Conviction from The Lord wakes us up to the reality of our desperate need of Him. Through His accountability and conviction, we will be steered to the right path.

In order to understand the path to take we must maintain a relationship with God. Often, in the hurry of life we make rash decisions and start trailblazing after a new idea without being led. We want to push forward. We want to lead. We want to innovate. But without God’s leadership, we end up just running off blindly without guidance.

Regardless of what path you’ve been on or are on currently, God extends His grace. He can redeem all paths for His glory. Find peace in knowing that your path isn’t too far off for Him to find you.

Consider your path with these questions:

    1. If you sense you are on the wrong path, what can you do to change directions?

    2. Is there someone you can talk to about helping you with the U-turn you need to make?

    3. If you are on the path God has led you on, what are some things you need to do to not make a wrong turn?

God has plans for you and desires to lead you down a path filled with hope. May you find the courage to reroute when needed and the endurance to sustain a straight path towards Him.

Seeing Clearly