“Listen to my instruction and be wise;  do not disregard it. 34 Blessed are those who listen to me, watching daily at my doors,  waiting at my doorway. 35 For those who find me find life and receive favor from the Lord.” –Proverbs 8:33-35 

Have you ever prayed really hard for something and felt like you didn’t receive an answer? If you’re like me, you most likely have. Sometimes in our earnest seeking, we forget one big step that comes with prayer … listening.

Prayer is one of the most intimate experiences we can share with God. How privileged are we that we can have a direct conversation with God any time that we want? Prayer is a conversation that isn’t just one sided; we can hear directly from God too!

The hard part is sitting still to listen. We have no problem explaining our problems, asking for change or expressing emotions, but when it comes to being patient and listening for an answer we are restless. Proverbs 8 speaks of “Lady Wisdom”, and although she is not a real lady, wisdom has a real voice. Hearing Wisdom’s voice is a choice we must actively make each day.  

 “I love those who love me and those who seek me find me.” –Proverbs 8:17

In the balancing act of to do lists and the rush of life, it seems impossible to have time to just sit and wait for Wisdom to speak to us. Our consuming schedules and timelines leave us with little time to hear from God and seek the wisdom He wants to provide. With wisdom comes favor and prosperity from the Lord. And it is FREE!

As you choose to listen and wait at Wisdom’s door, consider these questions:

  1. In your life what are some areas you need God’s wisdom in?
  2. How do you determine if your choices are marked by Godly wisdom? Do you have someone that could help you determine which choices are wise?
  3. What are some changes you can make to your busy schedule to add more time for listening to God?

Before the heavens and the earth, there was God’s wisdom. He imparts it to those who follow him and listen. In seeking Him, may you encounter His grace and embrace His wisdom.
