Guidance Breeds Victory

Proverbs 11: 14-15

14For lack of guidance a nation falls, but victory is won through many advisers.

In the individualistic society we live in, it is not only easy but natural to fall into solitary decision-making. It’s so common to feel like we have community because we have multitudes of good acquaintances—people we say hi to in passing, co-workers we have long small-talk chats with, and followers that we respond to on social media. However, the absence of depth breeds the absence of advisors.


This verse in Proverbs clearly describes the consequences of a lack of advisors. Leaders without advisors trust in their own perspectives and world views and, without the input of others, can make decisions that destroy their realm of influence. This means moms can make over-bearing or too-loose restrictions on children. A teenage girl can enter into a damaging relationship where no accountability keeps an eye on her behavior, and her friends follow suit. The pastor of a church can begin to make decisions that cease to meet the needs of the congregation at large. Even making personal life decisions without the influence and wisdom of God-seeking friends can send a life into a downward spiral that is not easily recovered. Examine your community; if you were to make a decision today that dishonors God, is there anyone in your life who would notice?


15 Whoever puts up security for a stranger will surely suffer, but whoever refuses to shake hands in pledge is safe.


Just as a leader needs trusted advisors, he should also keep watch over who he takes responsibility for. Everyone needs the love and guidance of Jesus, but as shepherds over a flock, a leader must keep watch for wolves disguised as sheep. There will be some who enter your realm of influence to destroy the good happening there; be filled with love as you lead, but keep your eyes open to the plot of the enemy.



A Negative Society

Proverbs 11:12-13

In the midst of the social media age, gossip is no longer slotted to a column in a newspaper. With one click of a button you can pull up site after site with tell alls about the latest celebrity wrongdoings. But gossip doesn’t stop at celebrities, it seeps into our lives too. We are living in a culture that cultivates a sense of entitlement to cast judgement about others. Most hide behind the excuse that everyone has the right to their own opinion, but Proverbs warns otherwise.

Proverbs 11:12-13

12 It is foolish to belittle one’s neighbor;

a sensible person keeps quiet.

13 A gossip goes around telling secrets,

but those who are trustworthy can keep a confidence.

Throughout the Bible we are warned of the weight of our words and the divisive nature of our tongue. In Proverbs 11:12-13 we see another warning about what we choose to say. Our words are just that, a choice. We can use them to spread loving kindness or use them to infect others. When we say negative things about someone else or share their private matters, we are being foolish and unloving.

Living in a critical culture of all news is my news, how do we combat an age where gossip is all the rage? We have to pursue God. When we learn to follow his ways, our perspective is shifted. As we begin to understand the vastness of God, we in turn and start grasping our own sinful tendencies. With this perspective we aren’t degrading ourselves, but living in the reality that we are flawed and in need of God’s grace. When we understand the extension of God’s grace despite our own sin, we are drawn away from casting judgement on others.

In our quiteness, we are found sensible. In keeping confidence, we are found trustworthy.  When we withhold our vocal judgements of others’ transgressions, we become closer to carrying out God’s character.

Prospering Our City

Proverbs 11:1-11

Have you ever been praised for doing something great? Maybe you got that promotion at your hob for working hard, or maybe you got a good grade on a test that you actually studied really hard for. It’s a great feeling, especially when you feel like you earned it. In Proverbs it states that “the whole city celebrates when the godly succeed.” Can you imagine your whole city giving you a party because you did something worthy of celebration? What we are all thinking is “okay, but that would never actually happen today,” and you’re probably right, but what you don’t realized is that the faithful work you do in your life through Jesus Christ will be praised in eternity. Our purpose in life is not to do good works for our glory and for our celebration, but to glorify His name. Would you rather be know as wicked and have people “shout for joy” when you die? – No need to answer this –

“Upright citizens are good for a city and make it prosper, but the talk of the wicked tears it apart.” As a Christ follower our job is to spread the gospel… that means to OUR city so that we can help “make it prosper.” If we go to church but don’t act like Jesus, we are considered “wicked” who “tears apart” our own city. Solomon talks of this so that we can make a difference in our city, celebrating when the godly succeed, and prospering our city.

The Righteous are Rescued

Proverbs 11:8

“The righteous man is rescued from trouble, and it comes on the wicked instead.”
The righteous are rescued. The righteous.
I’ve been sitting here for far longer than I want to admit, thinking about what it means to be righteous. According to the dictionary, righteous means morally upright, or virtuous. God asks for holy living. We can’t argue that. There is a certain standard that Christ followers are supposed to uphold.
I began to think about how those of us who are professing christians aren’t all that different from non-christians sometimes. How we too destroy our neighbor with our words, how we too often walk with little integrity and little wisdom. I started to get mad.
“God, who could this verse be talking about? There are far too many professing your name and walking like the ungodly.” I was going to write about how we need to examine our life and if we profess Christianity we need to start acting like it!
But God reminded me of the way he sees us.
It isn’t fair.
It makes no sense.
The great mystery of the cross is too great for our comprehension.
Romans 4:3 says this: “For what does scripture say? ‘Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness.’” And skipping to verse five, “And to the one who does not work but believes in him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is counted as righteousness.”
Our faith is counted as righteous.
It’s unfair.
It’s scandalous.
It’s grace.
I know theres a balance and almost a controversy of faith vs. works. Intact, I wrote a blogpost previously about that tension and about how our works profess our faith. It’s all true. BUT. How sweet it is to know that even when we mess up, even when we don’t have it altogether, when we are fully broken and imperfect; when we are hypocritical and act like the ungodly, that God still counts us as righteous. He still sees Jesus.
Romans 8:1: “For now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus.”
It doesn’t give us a license to sin. It doesn’t mean that people aren’t turned off to Jesus because of the way Christians often choose to act. But it does mean that our faith is enough to be counted as righteous.
So how are we rescued from trouble? We can have full confidence knowing this:
The ones who put their faith is Jesus Christ are rescued from trouble, and it comes on the wicked (those who do not put their faith in Jesus) instead.
God, be my rescue. May you count my faith as righteousness like your word says. And may I, in return, bring to you a life that is holy and pleasing and acceptable.
Photography: @brandonnalley

Temporary vs Eternal

Proverbs 11:4-7

Oh, what a burden it is to try to live up to the world’s standards of success: lots of money, a nice car, a nice house, luxury, designer clothes, the latest technology, etc. … But what if I told you that none of that mattered? What if there was a way out of all that pressure and continuously not having “enough” and not feeling “good enough”?

There is a way out.

The God of the Universe loves you and desires a relationship with you! There is nothing that you can do to earn His love because the price was already paid at Calvary. All that He requires is for us to walk in obedience to His Word. However, this is no easy task, but choosing to live in God’s will rather than our own results in a reward much greater than any of the material possessions or temporary satisfaction that the world has to offer. 1 Timothy 6:7 reminds us that just as we brought nothing with us when we came into the world, we also cannot take anything with us when we leave the world. It is our duty as God’s children to live a life of constant surrender of our money, time, and possessions.

Proverbs 11 brings up some challenging questions that we must ask ourselves in order to keep ourselves in check and in balance:

4 Riches won’t help on the day of judgment, but right living can save you from death.

                        -What do you value the most?

-What do you spend the majority of your time doing?

–Anything you treasure more than the Lord is an idol.

5 The godly are directed by honesty; the wicked fall beneath their load of sin. 6 The godliness of good people rescues them; the ambition of treacherous people traps them.

                        -What are the underlying motives behind your actions?

– How does it make you feel that the Lord knows the motives and                                intentions of your heart?

-Do you need to make some changes?

7 When the wicked die, their hopes die with them, for they rely on their own feeble strength.

                        -What are the situations and circumstances on which you choose to                           rely on your own strength?

–In perspective, it doesn’t make sense to choose to do things based on your own feeble strength when the God of the universe is willing and ready to empower you to accomplish great things for Him.

This side of heaven, we have a choice to make. Will you choose to load up on fleeting material possessions? Or will you choose to live in constant surrender with empty hands and a willing heart which has the eternal reward of glorifying the Creator?


Photography: @jacobnnorris