Proverbs 11:12-13

In the midst of the social media age, gossip is no longer slotted to a column in a newspaper. With one click of a button you can pull up site after site with tell alls about the latest celebrity wrongdoings. But gossip doesn’t stop at celebrities, it seeps into our lives too. We are living in a culture that cultivates a sense of entitlement to cast judgement about others. Most hide behind the excuse that everyone has the right to their own opinion, but Proverbs warns otherwise.

Proverbs 11:12-13

12 It is foolish to belittle one’s neighbor;

a sensible person keeps quiet.

13 A gossip goes around telling secrets,

but those who are trustworthy can keep a confidence.

Throughout the Bible we are warned of the weight of our words and the divisive nature of our tongue. In Proverbs 11:12-13 we see another warning about what we choose to say. Our words are just that, a choice. We can use them to spread loving kindness or use them to infect others. When we say negative things about someone else or share their private matters, we are being foolish and unloving.

Living in a critical culture of all news is my news, how do we combat an age where gossip is all the rage? We have to pursue God. When we learn to follow his ways, our perspective is shifted. As we begin to understand the vastness of God, we in turn and start grasping our own sinful tendencies. With this perspective we aren’t degrading ourselves, but living in the reality that we are flawed and in need of God’s grace. When we understand the extension of God’s grace despite our own sin, we are drawn away from casting judgement on others.

In our quiteness, we are found sensible. In keeping confidence, we are found trustworthy.  When we withhold our vocal judgements of others’ transgressions, we become closer to carrying out God’s character.