Proverbs 13: 13-14

“Don’t touch that, it’s hot!” This is a phrase that nearly every parent has told his or her child at some point. The parent knows that touching the stove will result in pain for their sweet child, and looking out for their best interest, they admonish the child against the tempting action. However, often times the child reaches forward touches the stovetop as soon as the eyes are off of them. OUCH!! Pain spreads through their hand and they begin to cry remorsefully, all because the stubborn child wanted their own way.

Just as the child often ignores the insightful advice from their parents, so also we often decide that our way and plan is the best and only way. When we despise the advice of others because of the pride we have in our own plans, the end result is hurt and trouble. However, there is always someone who is wiser and has a more insightful point of view. The person offering advice is like a life-giving fountain, and when we respect their insight we will succeed! So often, we are so engulfed in our own situations that we do not see the red flags that are popping up around us, pushing us to ignore advice. However, when we humble ourselves and listen to the wise counsel of others, we are able to avoid a world of hurt, referred to in Proverbs 13:14 as “the snares of death.”

In the end, the choice is ours. We must choose to either humble ourselves and surrender our own plans, or continue down the destructive path of pride and selfishness. The wisest counsel comes from seeking the Lord, but in doing that our Sovereign God also places wise people in our lives who can be vessels of His will for us.

Be wise to listen to advice from others, and always avoid the stovetops.