Proverbs 10: 11-12

Let’s take it back to our playground days: Breathe in the crisp fresh air. Take in the aroma of the wood chips. Feel the heat of the blacktop where you crushed it in foursquare. Hear the patterns of children at play… A skirmish breaks out between two friends and they sass back at each other:

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me!”

“I’m rubber you’re glue, whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you!”

Designed to protect the feelings of the speaker and deflect the power in the bully’s words, these chants gave the illusion that words cannot damage us. As children we may fiercely declared them at each other, but the reality is that words stick with us even longer than we realize. Words dictate action, incite emotion, and mold images. Words move people into conditions of life and death.

The mouth of the righteous is a fountain of life,

but the mouth of the wicked conceals violence.

Words carry weight heavy enough to illustrate life or death. Like a fountain quenches thirst and water fuels life, the words of the righteous give life to those who hear. In contrast to the life giving words, Proverbs warns about the destruction of the words of the wicked. What will your words bring to those who hear them?

Hatred stirs up strife,

To stir up something is to provoke, stimulate or awaken it from rest. A heart that is consumed in hatred provokes anger and creates strife. Hatred steals joy, creates contention, and incites death in relationships.

but love covers all offenses.

In a world that slumps with the weight of hate there is hope. God’s love covered all the sins of his people with the sacrifice of his Son on the cross. His love covers our offenses. Love heals the infirmed, forgives the wrongdoers, and bears the hope that our lost world needs. When we imitate God’s love and mirror His character, we can bring this world back to life.

What weight do your words carry? Will you harbor hatred and let anger fester? Or will you choose to love and bring hope to those around you?


Photography: @arik