Proverbs 3: 1-4

Nip this. Tuck that. Eat this. Drink that. From TV ads and billboards to forums and friendly conversations, we are inundated with the chase for youth. As we idolize the primetime of our being we go on a quest to extend it as long as possible. All the supplements, diet plans, and procedures point to the same thing: a desire to have fulfilling life.

Do you want a long satisfying life? Who doesn’t? There’s no fountain of youth streaming from the ground or miracle substance to be found, but Proverbs does give us some insight on how to live a satisfying life: Keep Gods commands in your heart.

Storing His commands in your heart means more than just memorizing them. To know Gods commands fully, you must allow them to guide and influence every part of your life. You have to take action in light of His commands.

Obeying God’s commands yields a fruitful life. Not legalistic rule execution, but true devotion to returning to loving obedience in each step we take. This action is born out of trusting that abiding by God’s guidance leads to a future beyond what our brains can conjure up.


Consider these questions as you unpack taking to heart God’s commands:

If the commands of your creator were written deep within your heart, how would your life look?

If you trusted the Lord and sought his guidance on your actions, how would your output change?

At what point do you lay down your selfish ambitions to seek what God is commanding you to do?

What needs to change for God’s commands to take their place in your heart and begin influencing your decisions?


Abraham Lincoln once said, “It’s not about the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.” You have time here, what will you do with it? Make space. Invite God in. Start living a full life.


Photography: @fordyates