James 3:1-2

The weight of being a teacher is costly.  This is why James says not just anyone can be a teacher because our tongue carries such influence.  The tongue is the bridle or harness of the body.  Such a small organ that yields tons of power.  It guides us.

James tells us that our tongues and body should align. Our actions will follow what we say.

When we are speaking what God says, then we are breathing life into those we are around through praise, love, acceptance and truth.  But when we are not it brings death through gossip, anger, pride, slander or arrogance.

Our tongues are like spiritual meters… what is your tongue saying about your heart?

Just like a parking meter shows when our time is almost up, we can gauge our tongues by how tired we are, frustrated, or weary.  Those are signs to add more “coins”.

To tame the tongue is to dive into His word so what comes from your mouth is God breathed and your body is filled with joy.


One of the ways we can work on this is to give God control of our tongues.  We must take responsibility for the things that come from our mouths.

Our hearts, grounded in the word, need to come out with love, grace and a touch of firmness. What flows in our heart will surely flow from our mouths.


Photography: @bdebard