James 1:5-8

Wisdom is the creative nature of God applied in every day life. It is actually a force that makes all other things possible. In 2 Chronicles 1, Solomon asked God for wisdom and became the wisest man to ever live up until that point.  Out of his request for wisdom and knowledge, he gained wealth, possessions, honor and so much more. Not because those were things that Solomon sought after, but because a man who can steward wisdom, can steward much more. God gives us this very opportunity today when he said that if we lack wisdom, to ask, and when we ask, it will be ours completely. But wisdom is an active force. The more you use and apply it, the more you receive, but like any other gift, it can also be abused. The gifts and callings of God are irrevocable. We see that tested near the end of Solomon’s life as He fell away from the Lord, and allowed a different spirit to anoint his gifting, but yet it still remained. It is incredibly important to stay in touch with the Lord, and hear His voice in this journey of seeking wisdom, to allow him and others to prophesy into the destiny and purpose to apply the gifts He has freely and graciously given. The gift of wisdom, and the gift of prophecy have very similar jobs. That is why we see in the Bible, almost without fail, that the prophets were some of the wisest men to walk the earth in their time. Many times, the two giftings will work side by side, but they can operate completely separate from one another. Prophecy gives us the opportunity to see the things He has already created, while wisdom gives us the opportunity to create something out of the tools that He has given us. If you ask, you better believe that you will receive. But its what you do with the gifts after you receive that will change the world.
Photography: @brandon_nalley