Romans 7:4
4 So, my brothers and sisters, you also died to the law through the body of Christ, that you might belong to another, to him who was raised from the dead, in order that we might bear fruit for God.
As Christians, we belong to a family that is unified by Christ’s sacrifice. Through Jesus’ death on the cross our transgressions were covered and the law that previously bound people fell to a new grace filled life. As we accept the gift of salvation and repent for our sins, God grants us forgiveness covering all of our past. His grace bridges the gaps that our inequities carved and lends us to a life of freedom.
Living in light of the grace extended to us, means extending that same grace to others. A life marked by His grace stands out from the average and looks different than most. When we operate differently from the world we are able to work across cultural boundaries, find friends in unlikely places and minister in every moment.
Belonging to the body of Christ brings unity that threads all of our broken pieces together. Where one might be weak, another can encourage. Where one lacks, another can complement. Together, unified, we bear fruit that works beyond what each of us could do individually.
As you evaluate the impact of unification, consider these questions:
1. What divisions do you feel between you and others? How can you work to remove these?
2. Have you been the recipient of someone else’s generosity or grace? How did that impact you?
3. Is there an area in which you could lend your strength to help someone else?
By ourselves our efforts are minimal, but together we can bear fruit that changes the world. May you be impassioned by the grace God has extended you and empowered by His body broken for you.