The Lord directs our steps, so why try to understand everything along the way? Proverbs 20:24
Around a year old, most children learn to walk. It’s a simple task: put one foot in front of another. From wobbly baby steps to toddling two year olds, we quickly work our way towards a run. Before we know it all we are headed through life in a dead sprint.
Running from checkpoint to checkpoint, we treat life like a race. Graduation, job, married, kids, promotion. We plan out our future and count down the days until the next checkpoint. But at some point, sprinting gets exhausting.
As we strive towards the finish line, Frustration flows when everything doesn’t go as planned. When things don’t move the pace we desire we succumb to stress, encountering anxiety and enduring exhaustion. The issue is that our plan isn’t the same pace as God’s plan.
God doesn’t operate in our perfectly crafted timeline. In our impatience and hastiness, we miss our purpose in the present. We were ready to do big things yesterday, but God desires to mold our character for tomorrow. With time He shapes us, trains us and prepares us.
We don’t fully understand everything that God has along the way, but His promises remain. He is faithful – we just have to slow down and find our footing by following him. Through the dark unknown he will be the light that leads. With each step in His presence, he guides us towards experiencing the fullness of His purpose for us.
As you find your timeline, consider these questions:
1. Are you sprinting through life instead of trusting in the Lord to guide your footsteps?
2. What is distracting me from running the race with God?
3. What is one thing you can do to help refocus your plans towards God?
Today return to the simplicity of walking with the Lord. For this exact moment you were created. May you walk in assurance that the God of the Universe has you right where you need to be.