Proverbs 14:34-35 


As humans, we are sinners by nature so we want to exalt ourselves and live to please ourselves. Because of that, we have strained relationships with God and with others since sin brings division between God and people. When my mom went to high school, two of the popular kids always boasted about their coolness and got away with it but then they went to college, they found themselves friendless and they ended up dropping out of college. Pride leads them to destruction and they are not successful in their fields since it takes good relationships to be successful in life.

The point I am making here is that Godliness can make anyone great without the need to exalt oneself since Godliness causes us to live and do things for his glory. Jesus Christ said if anyone wanted to be great in the kingdom, they have to be the servant of all. When people choose to follow their own sinful desires, and not consider God and others in all of their decisions, they will bring disgrace to others.  Even people in authority dislike it when people do not submit to them and honor them. Does anyone like it when people sin against them and not submit to their interests or needs or honor them? No one really does. Humans are created to give God all the glory, honor and praise and by doing that, they need to live a life based on God’s word.

Submission to God is the first step to walking in humility since when we submit to him, we will serve others. A servant’s heart is a generous heart. The two greatest commandments are to love God and to love others. One can learn to be great in the kingdom by living a life according to Gods word. Then, God will make the person great because this person is doing it for Gods glory and for his glory alone. Real Christian maturity is when one stops arguing with God. It is a daily choice to submit to God and one can live a Godly life by getting in the word and finding out ways to honor and serve one another. Pray about how and where God wants you to serve and serve as God leads. Remember, God honors those who honor him.