From the time we toddle around as two year olds, we enter a world of rules. Regulations that are meant to steer us away from perceived danger. But if we’re not careful we can grow up living bound by regulations with freedom nowhere to be found. Before Jesus descended to earth, the way people connected with god was through laws and regulations. People were on a journey to make atonement for every sin they committed in an attempt to sanctify their lives and be right with God.
Despite striving towards righteousness in the law, the regulations weren’t providing a meaningful relationship with God. In Romans 7:10 Paul writes that the law that was supposed to bring life actually brought spiritual death. There was no spiritual freedom in the bounds of the law, just exhaustive rules and regulations.
Romans 10:4 “For Christ has already accomplished the purpose for which the law was given. As a result, all who believe in him are made right with God.”
Today we no longer have to be bound by the law. We don’t have to earn a rightful status or check off a list of sacrifices to find righteousness. At the point of surrender in salvation we are made right with God.
Following laws doesn’t lead to a relationship full of joy with the Lord, but rather makes way for legalism much like we see in the faith of the Pharisees. When we chase rules, we lose sight of God’s grace and mercy provided to us on the cross.
As you review the laws binding you, consider these questions:
1. What regulations am I putting on my faith?
2. What does it look like to live in spiritual freedom?
3. What is something I can change this week to walk away from rules and towards spiritual freedom?
As Paul writes “the message is very close at hand it is on your lips and in your heart”. Encourage someone today in the grace that God has extended. Share the spiritual freedom that we find in Jesus.