“6 We know that our old sinful selves were crucified with Christ so that sin might lose its power in our lives.” Romans 6:6
What happens to us when we receive salvation? What happens when I pray “The Prayer?” In Romans 6, Paul explains what transpires in the heart of a new believer. Simply put, our old heart dies and we’re given a new one.
So there is simply no way we as Christians can continue in our old ways of life. We don’t have the same operating system anymore. The redemptive work of Christ has literally unlocked our rebellious heart from the chains of sin. We are saved people!
So since we’re given a new heart by God through salvation, can we continue in our old ways?
Consider this:
1. When you see a person in need what do you do?
2. What do you say / do when do nobody is around?
3. How do you handle your money? Do you give generously?
All of our decisions in these moments are a manifestation of the transformative work of Christ. If salvation means we’re set free from the bondage of sin, how then can we continue to sin without remorse?
“Well then, should we keep on sinning so that God can show us more and more of his wonderful grace? Of course not! Since we have died to sin, how can we continue to live in it?” Romans 6:1
Please understand that this passage doesn’t say you will never sin again! Because sin is present at this very moment in all of our hearts, but my question: what does your response to sin look like? Does it break your heart?