“An evil man is ensnared in his transgression, but a righteous man sings and rejoices.” Proverbs 29:6
Sin traps us at every turn. The scary thing is that sometimes we don’t even recognize sin in our lives anymore. In our sin saturated generation sinful choices seem natural, acceptable and comfortable by society’s standards. If we aren’t careful our sins will ensnare us daily.
So, how do we cross over from being the evil man to the righteous man? How do we escape the throes of sins’ trap?
We are broken people living in a broken world. At some point we are all going to face sin, but Christ provides a way of escape in those moments and forgiveness in times of weakness. Because of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, our sin no longer separates us from the Lord. In Christ we find forgiveness, love, and true freedom.
He has given us everything we need to live our story. We don’t become complete when we find the perfect spouse, get our dream job, have children, or meet some made up expectation. Colossians 2:10 tells us with Christ we are made complete.
For these days, we have been entrusted with a specific purpose. There’s no time to get bogged down with sin. Surround yourself with wise counsel. Spend time in the Word. Pray. Don’t let sin ensnare you and pull you from what God has for you. Throw off everything that hinders you from The Lord and sin that so easily entangles you, and then run with perseverance the race marked out for you (Hebrews 12:1).
As you prepare for today’s purpose, consider these questions:
1. What pieces of your life are pulling you away from God and allowing sin to captivate you?
2. What’s stopping you from throwing off those sins?
3. What change can you make today to draw nearer to God and cut the ties of sin in your life?
Shake off the bounds of sin and live freely in the purpose God has for you. May you celebrate life with the peace that only God brings, awakened to the hope in His promises, and made full in His presence.