Proverbs 26:16 (MSG) Dreamers fantasize their self-importance; they think they are smarter than a whole college faculty.
Sometimes in our dreaming, we pull the focus towards our own abilities. We end up squashing our dreams before we ever attempt them as a result of self-doubt. We get hung up in insecurity or tangled in the fear of risk and decide it is safer to not pursue our dreams. Rooted in self-centered pride, we’ve forgotten that our dreams are not about what we can do, but about what God can do through us.
God has gifted each of us to make a unique impact in His Kingdom. In 1 Peter 4:10 the Bible instructs us to “use whatever gift we have received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms”. Each of our giftings look different and all of them are designed to lend a different piece to the Kingdom.
Don’t believe the lie that you have nothing to offer. God has not called us all to the same action, but he has called us each to take unique action. God has designed you with a purpose. With whatever you have, in whatever way you can – just show up and show the love of Christ.
Dreamers dream and doers do.
What’s the difference between the two?
Take a look and you will see, doers do, while dreamers dream.
Dreamers seek riches and gold and soon find they are very old.
With nothing gained or intact, except for a dream they never attacked.
Doers know when they stay on task; their dreams are always within their grasp.
Like a wheel gaining traction, doers know it starts with action.
God doesn’t just tell us to dream of reaching people; he instructs us to take responsibility and action in service. We are God’s vessels to which he has called to go and love. Let today be the day you put His love on display. Serve when you don’t feel like it and allow others to see Christ beyond your words through your actions.
As you think about where your gifts and dreams collide consider these questions:
1. Are your dreams self-centered or God-centered?
2. What is hindering you from taking the next step towards your God-centered dreams?
3. How can you use your gifts to bring people closer to God?
Today discover confidence in what God has purposed your for. Find the courage to pursue the dreams He has placed in your heart. May God’s grace fill your days.