He hasn’t Left You

Proverbs 15:1-3


A gentle answer deflects wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger (1)

Have you ever found yourself in a situation that you actually had to put into practice, patience and self-control, where you were just biting your tongue not to say anything? It can be hard not to say the first things that come into your mind, and be completely “unfiltered”. However this is not what the bible tells us to do, we are to be gentle in our responses, nothing would be worse than to give an unbeliever or someone jaded by the whole church experience, yet another reason to not like us. Don’t let your pride or ambition rule your thought process, using moderation is key. We need to remember that we are set apart, we are supposed to re-act with kindness. This verse says that gentleness in our answers actually deflects wrath. Webster defines deflect as, a cause for someone to deviate from an intended purpose. Your response can actually change a tense situation into one that reflects Christ.


The tongue of the wise makes knowledge appealing, but the mouth of a fool belches out foolishness (2)

I want nothing more than to make my heavenly father look good and to talk about him in a way that makes even the foolish of them listen, and to make it appealing too. But how do we do that? Pray, read your bible, don’t be fooled by the lies and be careful of the advice you receive. Ask that God helps you when you get into situations and that he would ultimately be glorified through it. I recently listened to a conversation that had me dumbfounded. The foolishness that came out of this person was astounding, that I had to resist the urge to make a face. Instead I made myself see them like Jesus sees them, lost and confused, changing my perspective tends to make me more understanding. Hide God’s word in your heart so that it can come out when you need it most.


The Lord is watching everywhere, keeping his eye both on good and the evil. (3)

Thank God he is everywhere! He has gone before us, so he must know. He watches out for his own, and he protects us. He knows the dishonest and he knows the good, Christ will eventually bring all actions under his judgement. So when you are faced with the challenges of life, remember that God is watching, his coming is eminent, he hasn’t left you, and he knows.

The Secret to Greatness

 Proverbs 14:34-35 


As humans, we are sinners by nature so we want to exalt ourselves and live to please ourselves. Because of that, we have strained relationships with God and with others since sin brings division between God and people. When my mom went to high school, two of the popular kids always boasted about their coolness and got away with it but then they went to college, they found themselves friendless and they ended up dropping out of college. Pride leads them to destruction and they are not successful in their fields since it takes good relationships to be successful in life.

The point I am making here is that Godliness can make anyone great without the need to exalt oneself since Godliness causes us to live and do things for his glory. Jesus Christ said if anyone wanted to be great in the kingdom, they have to be the servant of all. When people choose to follow their own sinful desires, and not consider God and others in all of their decisions, they will bring disgrace to others.  Even people in authority dislike it when people do not submit to them and honor them. Does anyone like it when people sin against them and not submit to their interests or needs or honor them? No one really does. Humans are created to give God all the glory, honor and praise and by doing that, they need to live a life based on God’s word.

Submission to God is the first step to walking in humility since when we submit to him, we will serve others. A servant’s heart is a generous heart. The two greatest commandments are to love God and to love others. One can learn to be great in the kingdom by living a life according to Gods word. Then, God will make the person great because this person is doing it for Gods glory and for his glory alone. Real Christian maturity is when one stops arguing with God. It is a daily choice to submit to God and one can live a Godly life by getting in the word and finding out ways to honor and serve one another. Pray about how and where God wants you to serve and serve as God leads. Remember, God honors those who honor him.


Change is Hard

Proverbs 14: 32-33


32 The wicked are crushed by disaster, but the godly have a refuge when they die. 

Change is hard. It may be one of the most difficult things we do as we seek to learn, grow, and engage the world while trying to live out our faith. Sometimes we can find ourselves unwilling to change in spite of obvious and direct evidence that we should. In the scripture above we learn that “the wicked are crushed by disaster”. Galatians 6: 7-10 tells us “Don’t be misled-you cannot mock the justice of God. You will always harvest what you plant. Those who live only to satisfy their own sinful nature will harvest decay and death from that sinful nature. But those who live to please the Spirit will harvest everlasting life from the Spirit. So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up. Therefore, whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone- especially to those in the family of the faith.”


I don’t see the writer referring to “the wicked” as just criminals or generic ne’er-do-wells. When we consider context wicked means those who do not place their trust in God. If we live our lives for ourselves only we remove God from the position of Master and place ourselves at the head of the table. Obviously, this leads us down roads where we make decisions based on what is good for us first and foremost instead of communing with God in prayer as a Servant to his will. Our challenge is to understand that God has big plans for us…he wants us to place his will ahead our own so he can do his work in our lives. He has promised through Jesus’s death and resurrection an eternal life to those who seek him. This Proverb may be a warning to those who will not change or submit to Gods will for their lives. Those who put themselves in the place of Master instead of servant, those who place pride above humility and themselves above God will not escape his judgment and will have no control over their final destination. We must submit in service to the Father if we are to receive his eternal refuge.


33 Wisdom is enshrined in an understanding heart; wisdom is not found among fools.

Wisdom is gained by understanding, the question then is how we gain understanding. The Proverb specifically states it takes “heart”. Consider Matthew 6:21 “Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be”. We must understand that submitting to Gods will is how to gain and keep wisdom. If our treasure is elsewhere then we limit our own ability to gain Gods wisdom because our heart is not seeking it. Proverbs 3:5 tells us “Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding” This is further evidence that God wants us to submit our hearts to his will for our lives. When we do he can use us to bless others, and be a light of hope in the world. For some this is a major change. It means putting God at the head of the table and humbly seeking to serve him, even when we may not like where he is leading us… As I conclude…let’s consider a couple of questions:


  1. Is wisdom gained by going after what I want or listening to what God wants?
  2. What can I do better, differently, or more diligently to make sure God is the focus of my heart?
  3. What motivates my actions God or worldly things?

Lessons I Learned from Working Among Those God Loves Most

Proverbs 14: 30-31

A common in theme in Proverbs is learning what is and how to do God’s way. Again, the author is teaching us that God’s way is always the best way. No matter how we are feeling about a decision or situation; God’s thoughts are higher than our thoughts and his ways are higher than ours. He sees all things out of time, from beginning to end. He knows how the story plays out. And he leads us step by step walking with us, holding our hand, and not just giving us a map to figure it all out on our own.


Our vertical relationship, the relationship with our self and the Father must be in check and healthy if we are to have a full life. This verse teaches that a peaceful heart is health to the body but a jealous one causes disease. Literally, when we are out of the umbrella of God’s boundaries for us we can become sick in our bodies because of our choices in sin. But if we look at the verse metaphorically, we can see this to be true too.


From my experience, jealousy, anger, envy, and selfishness have all caused my heart to ache and be unsettled internally. These emotions (if held onto and not released into God’s care) can cause chaos and confusion within one’s self, which in turn, affects our relationship with God and others.


Our relationship with God is hindered because we are now hiding things from him and not allowing him to be our Healer and Comforter. Then, it becomes like a ripple effect with those around us. We are unsettled in who we are, distant from God, and unhappy with people. This one emotion and choice can lead to chaos if it goes unchecked.


A peaceful heart leads to health and wholeness with self, God and others. The next verse shows us God’s care for how we treat the poor. Those who hold down or oppress the poor insult God. All people are created and loved by God. No matter how lost or broken. They are God’s masterpiece. Life may have hit them hard or choices may have led down a wrong path, but that does not change who they are. Beloved by God as you are. The author teaches us that it insults God when we treat his people wrongly, especially the poor.


But those who help the poor honor God. This is my life’s mission. To honor God in all that I do. How best to start than by loving his people, especially those who are overlooked. God sees and adores them. What an honor it is for us to be the ones who can treat people with the care and love God has for people. I have traveled overseas to do missions and I am always overcome with the joy of the Father’s heart for the poor. I think of one experience specifically, my friend Faith and I were walking through this village in Cambodia that literally was sitting in grey water (basically a sewer). They had built planks on top of planks to raise their houses (houses reminded us of the playhouses we would have in our backyards) from letting the water, feces, and trash come in. There was a woman sitting on her porch working on something when I saw the rope burn mark around her neck. It took all that is within me not to cry right then. She told us that she has no way to provide for her children. Her baby daddy left them and now this woman is stuck to figure out how to get a job and care for her multiple kids. She finally had enough and attempted to hang herself, but her oldest daughter found her before her last breath escaped her and cut her down. After this conversation, Faith and I walked down the path with no words. I just wanted to hold this woman and cry with her. I would have sat for hours with her if I were able. I would have given her all the money I had to help her. I would have watched her kids for her while she was at work if I could have. I would have told them stories about Jesus and how he has a special place in his heart for them. There is this amazing thing that happens whenever you are around the people Jesus loves, he gives you the eyes to see and the heart to feel what he feels about them.


This was by far the poorest community I have ever been in. And honestly, the dirtiest place I’ve ever been. But I would have stayed there for hours and not even cared. I believe this is how Jesus loves. And it honors him when we choose to love the way he does. And it should be an honor for us that we get to be the ones who can share this love to the poor and those around us.