Verse: Proverbs 15:27-28
In our culture, life moves fast. Money’s transacted while goods and services are turned into consumable products for the masses. It’s no surprise that the subtle tendencies to get more and acquire run rampit while some never even take notice. We know this already though. So, beyond money and stuff, I want to talk about actions. Greed can point to a lot of things, but it always means the same.
27 Greed brings grief to the whole family, but those who hate bribes will live.
As a husband and a father, I can be conflicted by the question, “What should I do?”. Most of the time the answers are simple. Other times, not so much. Let me explain. The gifting and calling that’s been on my life since I was a child has been to edify the church and witness to the un-churched through music.
Without a shadow of any doubt, I am confident in my ability to create music, either in the moment or as a thought out process. I enjoy every aspect of music. Even the parts that can be a bit tricky, like the business side. My point is that because of my passion for music, it’s easy to unknowingly make selfish decisions that effect my loved ones in a negative way. Sure, they love me and enjoy my gifting along with me, but if I were to take a week long tour where I was going to come home with less than I left with, that would be selfish. Selfish because I would have made a decision based on my own desire just to be out performing rather than pursuing a better paying offer that would actually benefit our family who was sacrificing time with me.
I’m talking about selfish greed for more. More of what you think you identify yourself with. More experiences. More decisions made from selfish ambition. Ambition will bribe you with the idea that if you don’t do it you’re missing out. No, that’s lie. Trust God, love your family. He will direct your steps. The right opportunities will show up and when they are right, you will know it. I think we all know better than to be money greedy, but not many us realize the damage we do out of a selfish greed that latches on to our hearts.
28 The heart of the godly thinks carefully before speaking; the mouth of the wicked overflows with evil words.
Be still and know that He is God. Sometimes it’s difficult for me to be content because of that greedy desire for more music, more performing, the feeling that I’m missing out. No! I am exactly where I need to be. Sometimes I even find myself complaining about the dumbest stuff. I have a beautiful wife, an adorable son and we are blessed. What do I have to complain about? You ever notice that you feel almost physically gross after complaining. I’m not sure how godly complaining is. Sure doesn’t feel like it. On the opposite, how good do you feel when you compliment someone? That’s got to be godly, right? Whatever the case, the tongue has the power of life or death. To build up or tear down. Thinking before we speak should be common sense but we all struggle. Let’s continue to search out the heart of God. May His words be our words. May His thoughts be our thoughts and may we all lift each other up in our words and our prayers to the glory of God. Amen.
Christian great article brother as this blessed me as a entreleader and trying to stay healthy in al aspects of my life.