Proverbs 11:26-27

Sometimes it is so easy to focus on the evil going on in the world.  It seems extremely justifiable to continually look at all the negative things that are happening. Media is constantly shoving all the things wrong with mankind down our throats, but we have a unique responsibility as believers to bring hope and life to a seemingly darkened world. We have a light that all will see, and we can’t keep it to ourselves any longer.

I rarely watch the news, because every time I do all I see is more hurt, pain, and fear. Those may be the facts, but we believe in a truth higher than the facts. Our culture is in need of a light and a hope, and it’s about time we stop keeping it to ourselves and give them the very thing they’ve been waiting for.

The more focus we place on evil, the more we will see it take place and the more it will become present in our lives. That’s why James 4 says to resist the devil and he will flee from you. We only need our sights on him long enough to pull the trigger. But the Devil hates when we refuse to give him the attention he is so constantly begging for, and place our adoration on God alone. Searching for goodness means searching for God. When we search for God, he returns favor and lavishes love on us. It’s time we pull our focus from the negativity we are fed every day and feast on the fact that this generation is in the midst of the greatest revival ever to take place in history.  Miracles, signs and wonders are pouring out all over the world, the dead are being raised, and God is on the move.