Proverbs 3:13-20

Wisdom is not just knowing what to do, but actually doing it. It is applied knowledge. It is the creative nature of God put into practice in every day life. Proverbs 13:20 says, “Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble.” It is contagious, and when it is asked for, it cannot be withheld from you (James 1:5).

One of the most precious gifts that can be given is the gift of wisdom. It is amazing that one of the most important things in the kingdom of God is the gift that is the most accessible and sits only one declaration away. Solomon was a man who understood the power of wisdom and the importance in leading a kingdom given to God. When he asked for wisdom, God granted him riches, possessions, favor among other world leaders and a thriving kingdom. Wisdom grants us the ability to steward the rest of God’s gifts and it opens up the door to invite the counsel of God into each situation. No amount of wealth or goods can compare to the power of true wisdom, we must realize the power that comes with the gift. With wisdom, God created everything that moves and breathes. He ordered their steps and showed us how to live righteously. Everything that operates in the Kingdom of God operates out of wisdom. It literally creates an invitation to experience the fullness of the covenant we have received through faith.

Hosea 4:6 says, “My people perish for lack of knowledge.”  We must understand that as believers in Jesus, and people that are called to walk in the fullness of God that we can’t just go through life by our own efforts, but we must constantly seek the knowledge and wisdom that God has freely given, not only for ourselves but for the world around us. It is of more value than jewels, money, kingdoms, and fame, and we owe it to ourselves, to God and to those around us.