James 1: 2-4

An opportunity for joy may not present itself to you in typical fashion. In fact, it will be the last thing you think of when a trial hits. As humans we automatically go on an emotional roller coaster. Jamespresents it as an ideal time for your joy to radiate from the inside out.  To depend on the steadfastness of joy.
Have you missed an opportunity for joy?
His Word. Our joy.
Tucked away in the book of Jeremiah, he states how God’s word is his joy and heart’s desire.  Considering means we have a choice. We can consider how we will handle the troubles. We can choose joy or a “woe is me” moment. Joy is having God’s word hidden in your heart. This leads to an unswerving countenance in your soul. Doesn’t mean the trials are easy. Joy, not in the trials themselves, but joy over what those trials will accomplish by deepening our faith.
Endurance cannot be built unless we have trials. Each trial is a stepping stone for the next. God needs to build our endurance. This results in being found perfect and complete, needing nothing.
It’s our desire to be found this way. Don’t miss your next opportunity for joy. It probably won’t be the first thing you think of when it arrives and the experience will produce the endurance. But, oh, remember how you long to be perfect and complete.  Joy will be the sustaining power.
Jeremiah 15: 16
“When I discovered your words, I devoured them. They are my joy and my heart’s delight.”
Photography: @mattglenn